Monday, January 11, 2010

I Just Want You

Dear faithful readers of this dead blog.
I apologize for not updating and being lazy.
For now let's cut it short and go straight to the point.

Prayers needed for this nation.
To show God's Love.

Second week of school already, and well the new class is pretty much alright.
Haven't been sleeping much at night because of the never-ending workbooks. It's homeschooling, of course there isn't any ending to it. Not before graduating.
Let's buck up and finish of this. No I'm not graduating this year.

Beautiful sunset today. Salted egg yolk.
Should get another picture and change the header ... Hmm.
A raw one would be good.

Blessed week guys.
Stay tuned. =)


jing ling said...

is this even an update???

Unknown said...

It's not ah ?
Okay okay ... I do better next post.

jing ling said...

and the rest of the post....
nowadays..ur post makes ppl think...
i thought only my post makes ppl blur..urs makes ppl thinks!
and thinking isn't good..coz think too much kills the brain cells!
now how did that philosophy come? oh, smarter today coz i brought my brain to work. lol